Child Pornography Lawyer in Greenville, MI 
In the U.S. there is zero tolerance for child pornography. This means if you’ve been charged with anything related to child pornography you should not waste any time in hiring a child pornography lawyer Greenville, MI residents can rely on. For an immediate consultation, please call Blanchard Law.
By law, children are viewed as innocents and must be protected from sexual exploitation and pornography. Anyone who has been charged with a child pornography crime should take these charges seriously. In most cases, convicted individuals will need to register as a sex offender. This consequence could have a major impact on where they are able to live and work
By retaining a child pornograpy lawyer Greenville, MI trusts, you may be able to defend your charges and reduce the penalties. Blanchard Law
is one of the leading criminal law firms in Greenville, MI and has helped many people fight their child pornography charges. To learn more, please give our office a call at (616) 773-2945.
Who May Be Guilty of Child Pornography
All states have their own laws relating to child pornography. However, across all states there is a uniform consensus that child pornography is not accepted or condoned anywhere. In general, the laws prohibit any sexual performance by a child. Examples of prohibited conduct include:
-Production, and
In order for a person to be charged with child pornography, it typically needs to be proven that they knew the content was of a sexual nature and consents to the child’s participation, or inclusion, in the performance. The age of consent in Michigan is 16 years old.
Potential Consequences in Michigan
When the individual has been found guilty of child pornography, a broad range of consequences may result. Some of these may include:
-Lengthy prison sentence
-If controlled substances were used on the child, the prison sentence could be extended
-Large fines
-Permanent criminal record
-Mandatory registration on the sex offender registry
-Community service
-Limited or restricted internet access
-Public restrictions (i.e. not being allowed to go near children unsupervised)
Defenses to Child Pornography
Given the penalties of child pornography, it is important to understand that a good child pornography lawyer in Greenville, MI may be able to utilize various defenses. Examples include:
Believing the Child was Above the State Required Age – The charged individual genuinely believed the child was of the legal age.
Lack of Knowledge – The individual had no idea they were in possession of child pornography, or they were acting on behalf of their employer’s direction and did not understand the full scope of the performance or overall situation.
Entrapment – As a more rare defense, it could be argued that the individual was trapped by law enforcement or another party to commit the crime, and would not have done so otherwise.
By choosing the right child pornography lawyer in Greenville, MI, a strong defense can be built. If there is no reasonable defense, a lawyer can inform you of your legal rights and advise you on striking a plea deal to obtain a reduced sentence. Child pornography charges are serious and ones you don’t want to have on your record. Whether you’ve been charged, or believe you are going to be charged, you should retain a child pornography lawyer in Greenville, MI. Call Blanchard Law today at (616) 773-2945.